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Some ancient ruins with broken pillars, strange runic symbols and the like would be VERY cool and I think would fit well into this series :)

True! The closest thing we got in the series right now is the Dungeons Tileset. Got any example images you're thinking of? I'd love to add some ancient ruins to the to-do pipeline :)

Really good question, hmm. I imagine some kind of druidic symbols, maybe etched into the ground. White stone, cracked pillars (similar to the pillars you have in the interior buildings set, but covered in moss and other vegetation). Maybe shaped oddly geometrically, giving it an otherworldly feeling. Some broken walls and scattered stones and bricks. Maybe a golem creature, that serves as a statue as well as, when woken up, an animated character. Hope that works as some ideas for ya :)

A castle tileset would absolutely make my xmas, new year and birthday for a good few years! great work

That is indeed a classic tileset that I need to make! Some of the Old Town Exterior tiles can be arranged "almost" into a castle-like structure, like you see in the samples, but I definitely want to add castle specific tiles, or a separate tileset that blends well with this one. Hearing what the community wants really helps!

I would immediately buy that.

Hi, really loving the art! Will there be a destroyed building addition for each building at some point? For example if enemies attack the buildings and destroy them, are there destroyed building sprites for each building?

Hi! Your art is great! I love the tone and vibe of the Old Town art assets that you made. 

I look forward to combining these with the Lonesome Forest pack!

Hello there. Amazing Assets. Am thinking to buy them^^

Just got one question. is there in any assetpackage a grave/stone? Need that for the game I am working on.

Anyhow, keep up the good work :D

I own this package and can't see a tombstone in there -- but there's enough other similar items and you have the colour palette that you could make one without too much trouble. A graveyard would fit this aesthetic well!

well thank you very much ^^

I'm using Tiled to rebuild the example buildings/town from the PNGs.  How many layers were used?  My target platform is an 8/16-bit retro computer so there are a lot more limitations on the resources in comparison to a PC.

Love the series and look forward to some matching interiors.

(1 edit)

Hi! So not counting the player/npc layer, I used 7 layers to create the Town in the images above.  Below I explain how I used each layer and how to perhaps reduce this layer count:

7) Overlap Layer - Roofs, Tree Tops, Boulder Tops, Town Wall Top(just the upwards facing end piece of the Town Wall) (This layer allows the player/NPC's to appear to move behind the buildings, trees and town wall end-piece. It also allows things like fences to reach be behind the buildings, as well as the Town Wall end-peice to over lap building walls and cliffs. If you don't need this, then you can place these on the Big Solids Layer and skip this layer.

<--- (Player, NPC layer would go here)

6) Details - Rocks, Boulder Bottoms, Fallen Log, Berry Bush, Crates, Barrels, Fences,  Fences, Water Lillies, Floating Ice, Signs, Wheel Barrow, Stair Entrances, Wells, Chest.

5) Big Solids - All Building Walls, Town Wall, Stone Deck, Stone Stairs, Tree Bottoms.

4) Cliff Walls (Cliffs can also live on the buildings layer if you are okay with some placement limitations)

3) Shadows (Alternatively, you can create ground tiles with the shadows baked into them. But to create the porches you see in the images above you would have to add the shadows to the wooden deck tiles as well. This will increase your total tile count by quite a bit, but allow you to remove this layer and still have porches with shadows).

2) Floor/Ground  - Ground, Grasses, Flowers, Snow, Melted Snow Patches, Wooden Deck, Wooden Stairs, Paths, River Banks.

1) Water - All Water Tiles

I hope I got all that right, but if something doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try to figure it out! :)

I'm glad I followed your page! This is really something. You have managed to capture that old retro look but you somehow managed to give it a little more "umpf!" and grit than I've ever seen before in this style. This series is fantastic!

Thank you! Strangely enough, the 16 colours within the pico-8 palette often lends itself to a more bright and vibrant style. Somehow I got around that :)

I'm definitely looking forward many other tilesets like these! Like a RPG overworld/worldmap, some castles, caves and dungeons, town/castle interiors, desert biomes, etc.

Your work is awesome, please keep it up! :)

Would there be any plans, or possibilities of doing some interiors? perhaps.

hey, definitely! I'm working on a monster pack at the moment but I'm itching to get back to doing more tileset for this series, and interiors are top of the list! :)

Oh wow. I was expecting you to say 'no plans for that'. Amazing. Would love to be able to enter the buildings and see inside etc. Great series. Thank you for these!

This art style is great, will there be characters or animal spirits in the future?

Thank you! Yes, currently working on Characters, and Critters Actually :) Hope to have those out soon!

Oh yes, keep them coming! Love this style!

On it! ;)