Pinefield Series: Cavelands Update

The Pinefields Series is getting another Set. It's been a while since the last one was added (no reason, just a world wide pandemic), but finally the Cavelands update is up! One more in the series to go!

With this update, the Pinefield series is heading underground. Instead of just a colour themes, the Cavelands come in two flavours: The Crystal Caves and The Mushroom Caves! It took a bit more work to create new assets for each theme (instead of just blending and temperature grading the colours), but totally worth it in the end because it made each version more unique.

Feedback?: I would love to hear some feedback particularly about what sort of files and formats people would love packaged with these and future sets!

Alright, getting straight to work on the final set in the series! Next time, heading back into the wilderness again....

-- ElectricLemon --


Cavelands Files.rar 267 kB
Aug 12, 2021

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